Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2020

W203 obd2 stecker


Look under the dash, over by the brake pedal. OBD connector location for Mercedes C Class - W2( ) You will find below several pictures which will help you find your OBD connector in your car. It s a W2and the pins used are: 111I know what pins 11and are.

On your COMAND screen, you should a message saying DIAG. 38Pin OBD16Pin OBDDiagnose Adapter Stecker Mercedes W1W1W2W20B10. After about seconds the CarPlay and Android Auto should unlock.

How to Unlock Activate Mercedes CarPlay and Android Auto

Plug the activation module into the OBDport. Locate the OBDport under the dashboard of your Mercedes-Benz. Feb 1 20Here is the location of obd port in w2mercedes benz.

How does the OBD II port look like?

How to find the location of the OBD II OBDPort. - MB Medic

How to find the location of the OBD II OBDPort. Could someone tell me the pinout of the OBD-II connector of my car? Here is an example of where it is located.

Find the OBD II Port Location on my Mercedes-Benz. For exam-ple, the Auto Shutdown Relay is most likely to be found in Group 3 so it is shown there complete. C Class (W203) 2CDI: 2002: Diesel: 85: Go to the compatible scanner More info. Some OBD-II cables schemes: OBD-(14230- KWP2000) simple serial cable OBD-J18PWM, J18VPW serial ELM3cable OBD-universal ISO 15765-CAN, SAE J18PWM, SAE J18VPW, ISO 9141- ISO 14230-and SAE J19diagnostic cable. Allow the module to automatically activate the CarPlay and Android Auto on your Mercedes-Benz.

MB Medic The OBD II port is located under the dashboar drivers side. OBDScanner Bluetooth OBDII Scan Tool for Android Device iOS (No Need to Pair on iiPad Foseal Car Diagnostic OBD Check Engine Light Code Reader Work w 3rd Party app OBD Fusion Torque).
The OBD II socket is located above the pedals. Mercedes C Class (W203) Where is the OBDport on Mercedes C Class - W2( )? How to Unlock Activate Mercedes CarPlay and Android Auto. Jan 2 20W2C-Class Mercedes Benz Complete Settings Walkthrough - Duration: 8:41. - online Schach spielen und lernen.

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